Finding ceramic or clay pots with holes for plants

inside of planter by brododaktula

TheGardenLady received this question from Sarah.

I’m looking to buy 5 or so used, large pots for planting, made of either ceramic or clay.  They need to have holes in the bottom for drainage and a saucer to catch water.  I’m trying to find used ones, as long as they are pretty and in good shape.

This is late in the season to find large pots for planting that are cheap. One can always go to thrift stores, flea markets, garage sales or look in your local $1 store.  Check your local nurseries- not the big box stores. Many of the local nurseries had their sales in the fall when they were selling everything for at least 30% off. Ask the nurseries if they still have big pots left and if they will sell them to you at their sale price.

Another possibility to get pots for planting might be from local ceramics artisans. Often Christmas is the time they have their sales. Check them out as a possible source- though they probably have cache pots, not pots with holes.One of the big nurseries near me, puts used plastic pots in a bin where anyone can take whatever pot/s one wants for free.

Check to see if local nurseries have this throwaway bin. Or buy big plastic pots which are cheaper than the ceramic pots and, if you have any artistic skills, you can decorate these plastic pots yourself. An easy way to decorate these plastic pots is with mod podge.

Mod podge information can be found here or here.

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