More On Galanthus To Buy From Carolyn Walker’s Shade Garden

More on Galanthus that you can buy from Carolyn Walker’s Shade Garden

Galanthus ‘Potter’s

Galanthus elwesii

Early January bloom, unique green markings, naturalizes

Galanthus nivalis

Bears many flowers, spreads rapidly

Galanthus nivalis ‘Flore Pleno’

Double flowers

Galanthus nivalis ‘Viridi-apice

Green markings on outer petals, substantial plants, my favorite

Galanthus ‘S. Arnott’

Heart-shaped green marking, rounded petals

Galanthus ‘White Dream’

Late-blooming, rare

Galanthus woronowii

Late-blooming, shiny green leaves, rare species

Galanthus ‘Atkinsii’

Largest flowers, elegant shape and habit, early-blooming

Galanthus ‘Potter’s Prelude’

Blooms in early November

Galanthus ‘Magnet’

Flowers gracefully suspended on long delicate stems

G. elwesii, giant, early-blooming, beautifully scented, white flowers with the inner segments marked with green at both the top and bottom (or merged into a single large green mark) and broad, glaucous leaves, naturalized throughout Winterthur, $12 (3 plants per pot) (photo above).

G. nivalis, white flowers with green-tipped inner segments, narrow leaves with a glaucous gray center stripe, naturalized through out Carolyn’s Shade Gardens, $12 (5 plants per pot)(photo at the top).

G. nivalis ‘Flore Pleno’, lovely double white flowers with green ruffled centers, $12 (2 plants per pot).

G. nivalis ‘Viridi-apice’ (‘Viridapice’), white flowers unusual for having prominent green tips on the outer segments as well as the inner ones, vigorous, originally acquired from the “old” Heronswood, $10 (1 plant per pot).

New ‘S. Arnott’ (syn. ‘Sam Arnott’), large rounded flowers with heart-shaped green marking on the tip of the inner segment, considered one of the classic snowdrops of all time, $12 (1 plant per pot)

G. ‘White Dream’, beautiful white flowers complimented by a white stripe on the leaves, rare, $15 (1 plant per pot).

G. woronowii, late-flowering white blooms with green markings on the inner segments, glossy green leaves, rare species $12 (2 plants per pot).

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