TheGardenLady received this question from Leah:
Isnt the Oklahoma rose the state flower for oklahoma?
According to all the websites on Oklahoma, in 2004 the Oklahoma Rose became the state flower. Oklahoma Rose is Rosa Odorata, a hybrid tea rose. This is a very fragrant rose developed at Oklahoma State University.
Oklahoma also has a state floral emblem – Mistletoe- Phoradendron serotinum. Â This became the state floral emblem in 1893, 14 years before Oklahoma became a state. See here and here.
And Oklahoma has a state wildflower – the Indian Blanket Gaillardia pulchella. See here and here. Â
…The wild roses includes the species listed above and some of their hybrids…
I live in Bartlesille. When should I prune my
knockout roses?