The 2012 Burpee Seed Catalog – Part II

Queen Sophia French marigold closeup by OrganicNation

In the last post, TheGardenLady discussed  some of the flower part of the Burpee Seed Catalog.   In this post, TheGardenLady will talk a little more about Burpee’s flowers, but more about their vegetables.

In the vegetable part of the catalog you will find sweet corn that is red, tiny golden colored peppers, bright orange tomatoes, white tomatoes and swiss chard that is rainbow colored – all Burpee Exclusives. Together with the regular colored vegetables and such vegetables as the purple carrots or blue potatoes, your harvest can decorate your house as fancifully as any bouquet of flowers. You have to see this catalog to believe what is being offered for this year’s garden.

Heavenly Blue Morning Glory by celestria

Yet with all the new and Burpee Exclusives, they still offer some of the tried and true plants that gardeners love plus Heirloom seeds. For example, my favorite morning glory is still Heavenly Blue. The Burpee Seed Catalog has it.

And they have the pretty Queen Sophia Marigold which was an All-America Winner. So I am sure that you will be able to find your favorite plants if you don’t want to only try the new or Burpee Exclusive seeds.

A truck load of vegetables at Fordhook by Burpee Gardens

I mentioned that this 2012 Burpee Seed Catalog has new seeds. I saved talking about the new seeds for last- thinking Best for Last. Well, this year I think Burpee Seeds has outdone itself. For 2012 Burpee Seeds is introducing “one of the biggest advances in nutrition the country has seen in the last century. ” They are introducing what they call the Burpee BOOST Collection. This is an assortment of 6 garden vegetable varieties, “each variety contains mega-doses of nutrients far exceeding the amounts found in other varieties of the same vegetable.” For example, The Burpee Boost Collection will include two cherry tomato varieties: one offering 55% more lycopene and 40% more carotenoids than standard cherry tomatoes, and one yellow-slicing tomato with three times the beta-caratene of a standard slicing tomato.” The sweet pepper ‘Sweet Heat Hybrid” in the Burpee Boost Collection has 65% more vitamin C than the average pepper. I will not tell you about all the vegetables in this Boost Collection, you have to get the catalog to believe. And the other new seeds that they offer in this catalog will make your mouth drool.  See here. Then you will be joining TheGardenLady in dreaming about where these new plants can go in your garden.

My wish is that these newest varieties of vegetable plants will also have excellent taste- the taste that caused seed people to bring back many of the Heirloom vegetables. If the Burpee Seed company has combined added nutrition with great taste, they will be the leader of a great new vegetable revolution.



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