A Peek into TheGardenLady’s Garden



Check out some photos taken by Laura Hawkins of the flowers in my garden.

It is the end of iris season, so the photo shows a lot of dead blooms. Nonetheless, you can get some idea about how many irises I had blooming.

The second photo above shows Baptisia in bloom next to the yellow flag. You can’t see a rose in bloom behind these flowers.


This photo is of the Cora Louise Itoh peony surrounded by what I call my field of poppies that will start opening soon. This beautiful peony was given to me my brother-in-law and sister-in-law.


Here is a photo of a Julia Child rose next to the yellow flag Iris pseudacorus, which has become an invasive iris. But I love it.

Here are some more photos of TheGardenLady’s garden:

geometric blue

geometric shape blue

poppies 4

lilac poppy

Julia Childs

fairy roses

roses and bud

Josephs coat 2

peonies best

peonies 3

peonies 2 colors

peony in iris
mt laurel close

mt laurel 4 c

3 birdhouses

country store

name this shrub


clemitis side 2

high clematis

not invasive 2

not invasive variety

sundrop and bee


daff sculpture

louise best back house-2

friends welcome

cutleaf maple and deutzia magician

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