Building a Greenhouse

One of the things TheGardenLady always wished for was to have a Greenhouse. Perhaps TheGardenLady‘s readers have also had that wish for themselves. I have a friend who built one for her orchids.

Where to start seemed to be one problem and cost seemed to be another.  But with the computer as your library, there are many sites to check for easy to build cheap greenhouses.

Surfing and reading on the internet TheGardenLady discovered a site that said a person could build a  greenhouse using their empty discarded plastic bottles. Growing up TheGardenLady read on Ripley’s Believe It or Not about a man who built his house using discarded bottles. I went to see that house and since then have seen numerous such uses of bottles in construction on HGTV. With today’s bad economy building a greenhouse by recycling old plastic bottles sounds intriguing and cheap. The photo of the finished bottle greenhouse looks interesting and the plans cost either $4 or$5 dollars.

After this plastic bottle site, TheGardenLady found numerous sites that tells what is needed for a greenhouse project.  See here, for example.

Here’s a site that has free instructions.

West Virginia University has an excellent site on the various types of greenhouses and what materials one needs for construction. sells inexpensive books on building a greenhouse. Before one buys any books, check your local library to see if they have any books on building greenhouses. If they don’t, ask if the library is part of the inter-library loan program where the library can borrow books from another library in the state or country. TheGardenLady’s library has just such a program so that we can borrow the books and then decide if we want to own them. Only then would I buy the preferred book to begin construction.

If TheGardenLady’s readers do build their own greenhouse, please let the readers know about it by sending photos of the greenhouses and perhaps even the directions you chose to use.

One Reply to “Building a Greenhouse”

  1. Dear Sir/Madam,
    Rev. George Jeffrey is my name, and I am sending you an email regarding an order of Green house.

    If you do not have this types; is there any possible to make special order to us?.

    Kindly go ahead and quote to me the total pick up price for Green house, of that and also advice me on the forms of payment that you accept.

    May we know the types of Green house, brands and model # as well as their cost?.

    Do you have a web site?.

    I will be faith hear waiting for your email soon.

    Stay Bless.

    Rev. George Jeffrey,
    Samoan Wesleyan Methodist Church
    Email :
    Email :

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