Butchart Gardens and the Garden of Cosmic Speculation

Jumping Bridge by Paulus Maximus!

In this GardenLady’s mind there is nothing more wonderful than a garden.  Whether the plants used in a garden are common varieties or exotic varieties, whether the garden is large or small like a terrarium, it does not matter. Each garden is created by an artist and every garden is artistic. Gardens can be spring, summer, fall or even winter gardens- gardens change seasonally and yearly- they never remain the same or static.  The gardener is a magician in what he or she accomplishes.

The dream I have is to visit every major garden in the world as well as many minor ones. To that end, TheGardenLady has visited many gardens around the world, but she has not visited all the gardens- I wish, I wish….

Which garden is the most magical? The one I am seeing at that moment.

One garden that I loved was on Vancouver Island in Canada called Butchart Gardens. This garden of international fame and one of the world’s most visited gardens was created out of a deep pit that was a quarry.

This following video is a glimpse of what Butchart Gardens looks like all four seasons.

The next garden is one TheGardenLady has never seen, but would love to see. It wasn’t even begun when I visited Scotland. The Garden of Cosmic Speculation is a scientific and philosophic garden.  This blogger says that it is only open 5 hours a year- how lucky he was to be able to visit. (see here)

For a video of the garden as discussed by the creator.

TheGardenLady will write about some of her favorite gardens and other gardens she would love to visit. How about you, dear reader, do you have any favorite gardens that you would like to tell readers about? We would love to know about gardens that you love.

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