Carolyn Walker’s Shade Garden Open Hours

Here are the open hours for Carolyn Walker’s shade garden.

  • Saturday, May 23, from 9 am to Noon
  • Sunday, May 24, from Noon to 3 pm
  • Monday, May 25, from 2 pm to 5 pm

Anyone who wishes to visit Carolyn’s shade garden, should read the following:

Please pull into the driveway and park along the right hand side after the new fence under the old apple trees. If there is no room there, then turn around and park on Robinhood Road across from my driveway entrance. Directions are attached but please follow the parking instructions above.

I still have a great selection of hardy geraniums, ferns, and hosta (including minis). I have also gotten a good start on inventory for my summer and fall-blooming open house on May 30 with lobelia, liriope, Chinese astilbe, coralbells, corydalis, dwarf goatsbeard, hostas, and hardy begonias. I have restocked the following plants that sold out at the May 9 open house: ‘Herman’s Pride’ lamiastum, yellow corydalis, Japanese primroses, and meadow rue.

This is the time of year when the weeds begin to take over and groundcover plants become a priority. Fill your bare spots with the following excellent groundcovers: Chinese astilbe, purple wood sage, creeping hardy geranium, dwarf hostas, ‘Shell Pink’ and ‘Purple Dragon’ lamium, ‘Royal Purple’ liriope, ‘Lace Carpet’ foamflower, golden groundsel, perennial forget-me-not, white or yellow violets, and dwarf Jacob’s ladder.

Hope you can make it, Carolyn

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