Cyclamen In The Fall Garden

Cyclamen hederifolium by andreasbalzer

One of my favorite house plants that usually is sold in my area in late fall through winter, a great Christmas present, is the Cyclamen plant.  I love the flower and wish I could grow it outdoors because it is one of those plants that also has pretty leaves going for it. But alas, it wants to live in a warmer climate than I live in. Cyclamen persicum grows in Temperature Hardiness zones 7 and above.

So when I learned that there is a perennial cyclamen that will grow in my area, I had to have it. There are a few different cyclamens that bloom outdoors in the fall. I bought Cyclamen hederifolium.   It is such a delightful plant; I am so happy with it in my fall garden. It grows in Hardiness Temp. zones as low as Zone 4.  It has virtually no pests plaguing it. This is my perfect type of plant.

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Cyclamen coum by Paul Gulliver

One of the first charming mid-winter or spring flowers that will be popping their heads up from under the snow as soon as it melts is a little hardy perennial Cyclamen.  See here. Lucky the people who have these planted in their yards to welcome spring. (There are other hardy cyclamen that bloom in the summer or in the fall.)

Most people know of the large indoor plant that one sees in florists. This is the cyclamen persicum which is not hardy in most areas that have snowy winters. But how many readers know that there is a hardy Cyclamen that will grow in the gardens from Hardiness Temp Zones 4-8 and perhaps even 9 and return year after year? When buying, be sure to check to see if the variety is for your temp zone.

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