Flossflower – photo is courtesy of ProvenWinners
In planning your garden for next year, TheGardenLady wants her readers to consider a brand of plants that is sold under the Proven Winner label. The Proven Winner brand calls themselves “the leading brand of high quality flowering plants in North America.”
The Proven Winner company was founded in 1992 and is owned by “three leading U.S. plant propagators” and “together with 3 licensees in Canada” produce top quality plants. They also sell a complementary brand, “Proven Selections®, which consists of regional favorite varieties.” Proven Winner plants are sold in almost every garden center in North America. Proven Winner plants can also be purchased around the world. There is a Proven
Winners Europe, Proven Winners Asia and Proven Winners Aussie.
Proven Winner’s goals ” are to introduce the best, most unique, high performing plants, to produce them under the highest quality standards, and to market the plants innovatively. Proven Winners brand plants claim they are unsurpassed in terms of flowering, growth habit, disease resistance, and garden performance.” This GardenLady has been delighted with her Proven Winner plant purchases and always looks for the Proven Winner label when she goes shopping for plants. Many of the best nurseries in TheGardenLady’s area carries this brand.
For 2010 Proven Winner lists 166 new plants with photos and information about each plant. Place the cursor over the photo area and more info about each plant will come up. Proven Winners is not quite finished putting all the photos of the new plants on their site- but they promised TheGardenLady that all the pictures are going up. Proven Winner also has lists of the other plants they have introduced over the years. Their excellent website has answers to both gardening and container gardening questions. And there is even a place for you to contact them with your personal plant questions. The website also lets you know where you can buy Proven Winner plants in your zip code area.

Spring Basket – photo is courtesy of ProvenWinners