Orchids by donsutherland1
It is really last minute to talk about buying last minute presents- especially if you are planning on ordering them on line. But, there is always a way of creating a card in short order telling the recipient that your gift is coming. Better late than never, especially if that gift shows you really thought about the perfect gift for that perfect person. Take a photo of yourself holding some Christmas decoration, print it out with a line or two that says something to the order of: ” Belated gift will be coming. Be on the Lookout for something VERY special.” Â You don’t have to tell them that you had thought of getting the gift at the last minute; just mumble that there must have been some shipping snafu. You can always add the line that you wanted to spread out the joy of receiving Christmas gifts for a longer period than just one day of giving. Put your thoughtful card under the tree or in a stocking for the recipient to get on Christmas morning and be the hero.