TheGardenLady received this question from Sally.
How would you condition daffodils that will be used in an underwater arrangement for 24 hrs? Once underwater, is there anything that can be added to stabilize the flowers?
TheGardenLady has never tried to make underwater arrangements and
wonder if the writer of this question is planning an underwater wedding with daffodils :-). Sounds interesting.
I do hope the person asking this question is willing to do some experimentation before she attempts the underwater bouquet. The one thought TheGardenLady has, but has never tried, is to put the daffodils in a vase with a little glycerin with water in the vase, let it sit for a while and then put the daffodils underwater. A second experiment is to put some glycerin in the water you will be putting the daffodils under. Other stabilizing substances to try can be found on this website to see what works best for daffodils.
Please let TheGardenLady and her readers know your results. A photo
would be appreciated.
Some other websites that give directions for making underwater floral
arrangements are here, here and here.