Edible Lanscaping: Good Gardening Books – Part I

I am sure that many of the readers are busy shopping for the holidays. Getting the perfect gift is the challenge. What should you get for the gardener? If your friend still likes to read books, there are a number of good books to choose. What surprises me is that on the lists of best books for 2011, many of the top recommendations are classics – perhaps just newly republished.The book that really looks most fascinating to me was first published in 1982. Yet this edition was chosen by the American Horticulture Society as one of the top four best books for 2011.

The book is:

Edible Landscaping By Rosalind Creasy (see photo above): Sierra Club Books, San Francisco, CA ISBN: 978-1-57805-154-1

In these harsh economic times, it is nice to see books advocating vegetable plants in the garden, plants that also look good in the landscape. Sort of getting the best of both worlds especially if one lives in a neighborhood where you have to have a front yard that is attractive and vegetable gardens might be frowned upon.

When “Edible Landscaping” was first published it was ” hailed by gardeners everywhere as a groundbreaking classic.”… Edible Landscaping presents everything you need to know to create an inviting home landscape that will yield mouthwatering vegetables, fruits, nuts, and berries wherever one lives in the US. It provides horticultural information, culinary uses, sources, and recommended varieties as well as appendices that covers the basics of planting and maintenance and of controlling pests and diseases using organic and environmentally friendly practices.



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