Gardening gloves to protect you from getting pricked

deadheading by jendubin

When you are pricked by a rose thorn and your finger swells or if you feel you are having problems with a cut you got working in your garden, get to your Medical Emergency room. There are bacteria that can get into a wound. The physician there will treat you accordingly. This advice is for all gardeners, lady and gentlemen gardeners as well as children gardeners.

Everyone should always wear gloves when working in the garden to prevent problems. Get yourself a good pair of gardening gloves for your garden work.

There are gloves especially for working with roses. These are long gloves to protect your arms as well as your hands. TheGardenLady does not know which you will like best, but some choices are here.

A lot of rosarians like Woman’s Work gloves. They have rose gloves for women, men and kids.

You can read here what people have to say about rose gloves.   See this site as well.


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