Great Gardens for Christmas Displays

Do you enjoy seeing the Christmas lights as much as this Garden Lady does? Then consider taking your family on an outing to some gardens in your area or visit your nearest, or furthest, Botanical Gardens. Not only will you see beautiful outdoor decorations at night but you can visit the very warm tropical hothouses/greenhouses to warm up and see indoor exhibits. Many gardens have indoor poinsettia extravaganzas. And you might even be able to sip some hot chocolate in the garden cafeterias. Some of the lights and shows will remain into the New Year if you cannot get there before Christmas.

Holiday lights or Christmas displays are in, to name a few locations:

Longwood Gardens near Kennett Square in Pennsylvania

The New York Botanical Gardens (and other locations throughout NY City)

The Chicago Botanic Garden

The Atlanta Botanical Gardens

In Canada, a great location to see lights is in the Vancouver environs. Especially check out the the VanDusen Botanical Gardens.

AND if you can get there, DON’T MISS the spectacular show at Buchart Gardens 12 Days of Christmas display.

Or if you can go to the Holy Lands, Israel has seasonal lights on display at the Jerusalem Botanical Gardens.

Plus, while in Israel, you can celebrate Christmas with lots of other activities (see here).

If you visit any spectacular Christmas shows, please share photos with TheGardenLady readers.



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