How To Control Pests – Part VI

There are, of course, some insect pests that NO one wants. One of those insects is the Japanese beetle. Japanese beetles like over 275 plant species. For TheGardenLady Japanese beetles are especially awful on the roses.

To get rid of Japanese beetles, one should start early in their life cycle when Japanese beetles are in their grub stage living in the soil of your lawn or garden. Milky spore is considered safe to use. For answers to questions about milky spore read this.

Milky Spore’s effectiveness can be enhanced by the use of beneficial nematodes – specifically NemaSeek. Read package instructions for best time to apply in your area.

If you did not kill all the grubs in your soil with the milky spore or if some fly in from your neighbors yard, there are some other organic remedies that one can use.

There are Japanese traps one can buy to hang on a branch. The traps have odors that are enticing to the Japanese beetle; they fly in and can’t get out. But be careful where you hang this trap.

Remember if it will entice your Japanese beetles it will entice your neighbors Japanese beetles, too. Hang the trap far enough away from your neighbor’s property so you trap doesn’t make you Japanese beetle central.

You can hand pick the Japanese beetles and put them into a jar that has vinegar in it that will kill them Thought this Garden Lady handpicked them as a child, this handpicking is not something I enjoy doing.

So instead knock them into some Apple Cider vinegar that can be mixed equally, one part vinegar to one part water. Or spray them with the mixture and hold a bucket underneath to catch them. The acidity of the vinegar should kill them or make them dislike the taste of your plant..

Other sprays you may make are combining two tablespoons of garlic powder to a bottle of baby oil OR liquid diswashing soap and spraying the leaves of the plants that attract the Japanese beetles.

Or you could mix cayenne pepper and/or hot pepper sauce with water and some dishwashing soap to spray on the plants.

I have read that you can sprinkle baby powder on the leaves and this will deter Japanese beetles- repeat after it rains. TheGardenLady has not tried that one but I fear it might look unsightly. Still since I have an old can of baby paper I think I may try it for the fun of it.

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