Hummingbird Moths

Hummingbird Moth by photofarmer

Every day when I go out to check on my garden I find something pleasant to note for my satisfaction. I might be happy to see a lot of bees. I am especially thrilled when I see a few honey bees in their midst. I am always looking for butterflies. And of course, I look to see which flower is now open.

One insect flying in my yard, I had first seen when I was a child. I was so excited thinking it was a hummingbird that I called my parents and neighbors to come see. Then an elderly neighbor, Matilda, told me it was not a hummingbird, it was a Hummingbird moth, also called hawk moths or sphinx moths. Though most moths come out at night, this moth is diurnal or flies in the daylight. According to Wikipedia there are around 1200 species of hawk moths.  Here are some other diurnal moths.

I was disappointed then and am disappointed now that more hummingbird moths are in my garden than hummingbirds. And this year I have seen more of these hummingbird moths than usual but no hummingbirds. Still, it is exciting to see these hummingbird moths.

I do have two of the plants that some hummingbird moths use as shelter. These plants are growing in the area where most of the hummingbird moths are sighted. They shelter in the Japanese honeysuckle and the wild cherry tree. Also, in the area are the foods that this moth eats, besides the honeysuckle and cherry, there is my high bush blueberry, wild bull thistle, red clover and black eyed susans. I never see the hummingbird moths feasting on the above plants, but since they are nectar loving insects, I usually see them on my buddleja.


One Reply to “Hummingbird Moths”

  1. I’m not seeing a black mrnaoch it’s a butterfly with black wings on the tips are orange? I have so many butterflys in my yard. I just wish I had a better camera to take pictures. Maybe someday I will but I do love my camera phone. This a beautiful page.

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