Indoor Vegetable Gardening

I’m gonna be busy tomorrow. by Josh Kelahan

TheGardenLady has written numerous posts about vegetable gardening.  See here for example.  But all of TheGardenLady’s recent posts on vegetable gardening have been about outdoor vegetable gardening. Vegetable gardening can also be done indoors.

The idea of having fresh salads in the middle of winter seems like a nice reward for this effort. Many vegetable plants like pepper plants are easy to raise indoors. Most herbs will grow indoors (above is a photo of vegetables and herbs growing indoors under grow lights). Some of the herbs may grow indoors if you have very sunny windows. But since most vegetables and herbs need lots of sunlight, when one grows vegetables and herbs indoors, it is best to grow these plants under grow lights, designed to stimulate plant growth.

And if you are really handy, you might want to build your own benches and lighting systems to grow these plants.

As nice an endeavor as it is to buy your own benches and lighting systems, it can become pretty pricey to do. So to get the best deals for the equipment you will need to do some manual labor, specifically you will need to build your indoor lighted vegetable beds.

You can try to find the material you need by shopping in the big box stores or going online. For reasonably priced tools places like RS tools might have what you are looking for, both for the construction and lighting materials needed- one-stop shopping.  They don’t have gardening tools per se, but they have a great selection of tools for any type of construction project, including making planters.

(The light bulb requirements needed for growing plants indoors can be found here.)

Making planters with your own hands, instead of  buying them, will save you a lot of money in the long run.  You’ll also feel extremely industrious when you do it yourself.

If you do build an indoor lighted bed for your vegetables TheGardenLady would love to see a photo of your work!

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