Invasive Lillies

2007.09.02 金針花 / 赤科山 / Day Lily by MaxChu

TheGardenLady received this question from Nikki.

I have seen orange sillies resembling tiger lilies growing wild. I think they might be day lilies. I am wondering if it is possible for day lilies to spread from from your garden and become wild lilies. Do you think it is possible for a garden variety plant to become wild?

Day lilies/Hemerocallis fulva, with the common names of common orange day lily, tiger lily, roadside ditch lily plus a few other common names, have become invasive in a number of states. (see here and here and for a map of where this lily grows, check out this site)

There are beautiful native lilies that you could grow that will not become invasive.

But if you are interested in growing day lilies, not all varieties are invasive according to the American Hemerocallis Society ‘s Information Release site about invasives. They say that, “Any of the thousands of commercially available hybrid day lily cultivars which are clump forming are said to not be invasive.”


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