It Looks Like an Epiphyllum cactus or Orchid cactus

Epiphyllum – Susan Lynn by epiforums

TheGardenLady received this question from Linda.

I have a cactus plant with long flat ears. It sprouts little ones all along the sides. I am writing to you to ask if you might know the name of a cactus that looks like that.  Here is a photo of it.

From the photo it looks like an Epiphyllum cactus or Orchid cactus.

There is a Epiphyllum Society of America if you want to try to find your cultivar or variety or join to learn more about the plant.

It is considered a fairly easy care cactus.  (see here and here)


3 Replies to “It Looks Like an Epiphyllum cactus or Orchid cactus”

  1. Hola, estoy interesada en un cactus epiphyllum cactus orquídea, soy de Chile, cuanto sale uno de estos.

  2. Hi there. So you know the name of the epiphyllum in the top photo? The flowers are beautiful and I’d like to add it to my list. Thanks

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