Killing Parasite Vines

I received this question from Ms. Frye:

I need to know how to kill a parisite vine.  It has elongated,
heart shaped leaves, no blooms.  It has all but ruined my miniture
rose bush and my hydrangia. I try to pull it up by the roots, but it
is very fast growing and aggressive.

For the Garden Lady to identify a plant or a weed, a reader must send
in a clear, close up photo or a few photos of the plant in question .

There are many invasive plants with heart shaped leaves (see here and here).
Without seeing the plant, the Garden Lady would just be guessing what
the plant is.

When I first read your question The Garden Lady thought you were
speaking of one of the most invasive plants with heart shaped leaves,
Japanese Knotweed.  But the Japanese Knotweed does have flowers.  

If you live in the US , take a good sized sample of the weed in
question to your local Master Gardener Office where they will identify
the plant and give suggestions to get rid of the weed.

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