Now is the time to think about Fall bulb planting

Bulbs again by robholland

If you are anything like ThisGardenLady, you are enjoying your garden. Not quite sitting back to enjoy it, because the weeds are more vigorous than many of the plants.

So it seems like the last thing one wants to do now is think about fall bulb planting. But unfortunately, if you want the pick of the catalog crop of bulbs to be planted this fall for next spring’s blooms, this is the time to order. And the catalogs are being mailed to your house, if they know you are interested.  Of course, you can sit back and wait if you don’t mind seeing a sold out sign when you get around to ordering. Many of these bulb stores don’t ask you to pay until the fall, so it is silly to miss out on a special bulb that you feel you really must have blooming in your garden next year.

John Scheepers is the place where many head gardeners say they order their bulbs. TheGardenLady just had the opportunity to visit a famous person’s private garden that will soon be open to the public. The head gardener is naturalizing acres of forest with 1000s of daffodils. I asked him where he bought the bulbs and he mentioned Scheepers.

Now if you want to get the same bulbs as Scheepers sells, but get them in larger quantity so you are paying wholesale prices, you would shop in Van Engelen Inc.  They are sister companies.  Since most of us don’t have large estates for planting quantities of bulbs, friends and I get together to order the larger amounts to save money and split the cost for a saving by ordereing from Van Engelen.  You can also sell Van Engelen bulbs for your favorite organization as a great fund raiser.

Another place recommended for bulbs, I first heard of this bulb nursery from a past Senior Curator for Horticulture at The New York Botanical Garden, is Brent and Becky’s bulbs.

ThisGardenLady has been happy with bulbs from Breck’s which advertises that their bulbs also come direct from Holland.

These are just a few of the places professionals in the know go to for their bulbs. So check out the catalogs. The prices of bulbs are not as cheap as some of the big box stores but you know you are getting some of the largest and freshest bulbs available.

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