People Enjoy Roses in TheGardenLady’s Garden

For you… by VinothChandar

TheGardenLady wants to continue to write about some of the flowers in her garden that make people  stop and ooh and aah.  Today she will talk about roses.

There’s a reason why roses are the most popular flower in the world. Even Shakespeare immortalized the rose by writing “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

It is sad that they bred the fragrance out of roses, but scientists are working to reintroduce fragrance in newer roses.

I think more people would grow roses if they didn’t have so many problems and have so many animals and insects that enjoyed them.  Some of the shrub roses seem to have solved many of the disease problems but the Japanese beetles and thrips still enjoy, and ruin, the flowers.

Some of the less temperamental  roses to raise are the miniature roses that you can buy for a few dollars at your local supermarket or the shrub roses from the Meidiland Roses family, the Carefree roses,  the  Knock-Out series of roses or the Rugosa roses (see here). The Rugosa roses are also the most deer resistant roses.

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