Planting perennial shrubs and trees in December

forced spring by Darwin Bell

Where TheGardenLady lives, we are having unusually warm weather. Of course, winter officially arrives on Dec. 21 st. So this is still a good time to be out planting perennial shrubs and trees.

The soil is still soft enough for you to dig ample holes. When your shrub or tree is planted now, it will get enough water in the winter for it to acclimate in your location.

Even though nurseries are filled with Christmas plants, ask if they have shrubs or trees you want and ask to see if they will still give you a discount. One nursery told TheGardenLady that the trees I am looking for are still in their field, so I know the roots will be good. Even though they will have to dig them for me, they will give me 30% off.

If your ground is not frozen, you can still have soil tests done. Have separate tests done  for lawns, vegetable and flower gardens, shrub borders

If your ground is not frozen, you can add lime if needed.

Remember that you can cut off broken or dead branches from trees, shrubs or vines now or any time of the year.

Turn you compost bin a last time so that it heats up nicely and cooks all winter.

More information on winterizing roses comes from a favorite rose breeder.

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