Pooktre, Tree Shapers

TheGardenLady has seen and been amazed by photos of trees that have been shaped to grow in unusual and artistic shapes.

About a year ago, TheGardenLady discovered the works of Tree Shaper, Peter Cook, who is a creator of some of these artistically-shaped trees in Australia. I wrote to him asking if he had a book out about his works. I thought it might be interesting to own a coffee table work of his amazing living tree art. I just received an emailed response from this artist and his significant other, another artist, Becky Northey. Together they have mastered the art of tree shaping and started Pooktre, Tree Shapers, which creates interesting art using trees. Creative artists that they are, they have come up with other exciting art with bits of nature and natural products as well as their shaped trees.

The 2009 Ripleys’ Believe It or Not was equally amazed with Peter Cook’s trees.  See here.

This year, 2012, Peter and Becky have a published a book. This is a book beyond TheGardenLady’s wildest dreams because it shares the knowledge and teaches the artists’ techniques so that others can create shaped trees. The book is “Knowledge to Grow Shaped Trees” by the World’s Leading Tree Shapers, Peter Cook and Becky Northey.

This book, which got a fantastic review from Dr. Chris Cattle- the leading British tree shaper, has over 350 photos and illustrations detailing Peter and Becky’s methods of tree shaping. “Knowledge to Grow Shaped Trees” can be ordered online through www.pooktre.com. And when you go on this site, you will not only see examples of the trees Peter and Becky have created and read answers to many of the questions you might have about creating shaped trees, such as grafting and finding out which trees are best suited to make these works of art, but you can also sign up for their free online book entitled “3 Methods of Tree Shaping.”

TheGardenLady hopes her readers are as excited about seeing these artistic creations as I am. If any creative reader decides to try his or her hand at this art, please let readers know your successes. Photos will be greatly appreciated. We know it takes a few years to see the finished project, so keep letting us know how your work is progressing.

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