Pruning Knock Out Roses


TheGardenLady received the following question from Pat:

I have Knockout Roses that are not yet a year old – They were planted last April – They grew very fast and produced beautiful flowers all summer long and into winter – I want to know do I cut them back and if so, when, and how short do I do this – They are getting ready to start blooming again, so I really need to know quickly the answer to my questions? I live in south central Louisiana

This is the answer given by Sally Credille, a PR person from Novalis Plants that Work, a licensed grower of Pink Double Knock Out and other Knock Out Roses:

“When it comes to recommendations and suggestions for care of Knock Out roses most include comments about their ease of care and low-maintenance. I cannot speak for all Knock Out rose varieties, but it is likely that general rose care is best for these landscape shrub roses, as with any others like it. This is because they were all bred by the same man, Bill Radler, for their hardy, low – maintenance, disease – and pest-resistance attributes.

Specifically for the Double Knock Out rose and the new Pink Double Knock Out rose, which is available to gardeners this year through Novalis Plants that Work, it is best not to prune at all in the first 2-3 years. Then, after this time, prune/shape at the first signs of early spring. Except for removing dead wood and shaping the plant, we generally recommend using the “one-third” method. – Each year remove one-third of the oldest canes (in addition to any dead, diseased or dying canes).”

I hope this has been helpful – Sally Credille, Public Relations Manager with Eberly Public Relations/Novalis Plants that Work.

3 Replies to “Pruning Knock Out Roses”

  1. I just heard about the knockout rose and think it will be perfect for my side patio.

    Two questions:

    The above picture? are those purple or pink?

    How does the knockout do in partial shade?

    Thanks. Don

  2. These fuscia colored roses in the picture look a lot larger than normal knock out roses. Where did you find them? Any chance of getting some cuttings?

  3. Those roses are so beautiful, where can I purchase them, also where can I purchase blue, black or lavendar knockout roses from.


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