Punning Fun for Sages of All Ages – Nature Puns

The Sage (Salvia Pratensis) by panga_ua

I love puns. I was wondering if TheGardenLady readers enjoy them, too.

Mostly when friends forward puns to me, I keep on getting the same puns over and over again. Now I want fresh, new puns. So this GardenLady while stuck in the house on a rainy blustery day decided to try her hand at creating some puns.

The nature pun I came up with is: If an elephant gave birth to a baby girl, would she name it pachysandra?

Or, here’s one that my son and granddaughter came up with: When standing behind a French cow, you’ll get a whiff of the dairy air.

“Groan” you say. Can you do better?

Then I wondered if there were any nature related puns. So I started Googling and found that “lo and behold” there were tons of nature puns. See here. Yes, I know even some of them are just dreadful.

Now TheGardenLady believes that she has some really creative readers out there and from the number of dorm related questions, there are a lot of very educated readers out there. Since this column has received some very clever poems that are wonderful TheGardenLady hopes that she will get some ingenious original puns her readers created or had their friends and family create. (Please don’t send us any (nature) puns that you have found- but if you do, let us know where you found them.)

So after having your belly filled with potato latkes on Hanukah or after you have unwrapped your last present and finished the last Christmas cookie, sit around the room with your guests and have a competition for the best pun/s you can invent- even if it is not a nature pun. And please, please, please share your new puns with TheGardenLady. org readers.

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