Roses in TheGardenLady’s Garden


This has been a spectacular year for roses. And the roses in my garden are show pieces. These are photos of a few of the showiest roses in bloom right now. I did not take pictures of the miniature roses I have that are filled with flowers and my Fairy rose is still filled with buds. (see here)


My favorite rose is Livin’ Easy an orange – apricot Floribunda rose that has rewarded me each year covered with gorgeous flowers. Next to this rose are two Knock Out Shrub roses that also reward me with prolific flowering. And, very important to me, none of these three roses are difficult to care for and none have had black spot or any other diseases. They do attract Japanese beetles, but seem to have their main show of blooms before the Japanese beetles come out to dine.

I bought the Knock Out roses because they do not need as much sunlight as most roses. I had such poor success for years with other roses because of the big sycamore trees shading my yard that I was happy to find roses as hardy as the Knock Out Roses that will thrive with only 5 hours of sun. One does not have to be a rosarian to raise these roses.




I try to plant companion plants near my rose bushes. The white Alliums are there for that reason. I also have peonies and columbine nearby. All these plants are so happy in the location that they have all become a bit overgrown. But I am letting them stay where they are for the almost shock value of all the showy flowers both the roses and the peonies produce in this spot.

This is the first year that my Joseph’s Coat Rose has so many flowers. The first two years I only had one or two flowers on it. I fell in love with Joseph’s Coat when I saw the photos of this rose online, but worried when the first year produced so few roses. A rosarian I spoke to said he had problems growing this rose. But if this year’s bloom is any indication, I have nothing to worry about. I will be having a lot more flowers on this rose in the future. Joseph’s Coat does get black spot when it rains but hopefully the black spot will not be a major problem. I want to train this rose over my arbor where I also have two clematis vines. Roses and clematis seem to be a plant combination made in flower heaven. The clematis vine does not seem to strangle any plants.


The other showy rose I have is the Julia Child Rose. Julia Child picked this rose that is named for her.  I guess because it must have reminded her of all the butter she used in her cooking. I love Yellow roses and this Floribunda rose is a beauty. The flowers emerge a very bright yellow and then fade to a pale yellow as they age. Unfortunately, this rose also gets black spot. Again, the black spot does not seem to affect the blooms but I see more black spot on Julia Child than I see on Joseph’s Coat. I generally pick off the leaves that have black spot, but there are some home remedies one can try to use if you have a lot of black spot on your roses. (see here)

Remember to never water roses overhead. Overhead watering causes black spot. I let the hose run at the base of the rose bushes.



One Reply to “Roses in TheGardenLady’s Garden”

  1. the garden is lovely I have only a few roses, but I have a humming bird tree and plumeria’s, wisteria(purple)lilac, orchid’s, iron cross aselia’s, several colors of geranium, fireball fuchia..and many other nice plants also have the “yesterday, today and tomorrow” plant, love all kinds of flowers wish I had a “hot house” for them.

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