Stark Brothers Nurseries and Orchards

TheGardenLady received this question from Wanita:

Can you provide some nurseries that sell espaliered apple trees?  I live in
southern Michigan and would like to plant in the spring.  I have a small yard and
would like a couple apple trees and a peach tree if possible in my space.

One of the really good places to get espaliered apple and peach trees in the United States (they ship everywhere in the US except Hawaii) is from Stark Brothers Nurseries and Orchards.  See here.  After  200 years this company knows their business. They have a number of espaliered tree choices that they sell.

There are many English orchards or nurseries that sell espaliered trees but Stark Bros. told me that espaliered fruit trees is becoming more popular in the US.

You do know that you need at least 6 hours of sun for the trees to bear fruit. Stark Bros. will send you free planting instructions that should include pruning techniques. You will have to prune espaliered trees yearly.  Because fruit trees often need lots of pesticides, ask for the most disease resistant trees when you buy. If you have any problems with the trees, they will be able to help solve them.

I do not know your temperature zone- I guess it is zone 5- but you should ascertain what it is before ordering. When buying trees, tell the nursery your temperature zone to get the best trees for your area.

Fall is the best time to plant espaliered trees and Stark Bros. is presently shipping orders of espaliered and other fruit trees. They may also giving a discount if you order online.

So call and order your trees immediately if you are serious about wanting espaliered trees in your yard next spring.  If you order through Stark Bros. you can get their cataogue online or call for it at 800.325.4180

Next spring you will enjoy your garden.  TheGardenLady and her readers would love to have you share photos of your espaliered trees with any comments you have to tell about your experience with them.

One Reply to “Stark Brothers Nurseries and Orchards”

  1. When I searched Espalier on Stark Brothers website there are no results found. They apparently do NOT sell Espalier trees.

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