Terrariums – Part I

Terrarium by Flower Factor

Winter is the time that most gardeners are stuck indoors and are frustrated because they can’t get outdoors with their hands on a trowel, in soil (not dirt – dirt is something you want to get rid of) adding plants to the garden.  Well, if you can’t garden outdoors, why not make gardens indoors?  Why not make miniature gardens in glass containers which are called terrariums.

Terrariums can be any size from very tiny to perhaps something that can be used as a coffee table. I know someone who did just that, she got so carried away with the tiny terrariums, that she started making coffee tables out of slabs of plexiglass. She bought plastic cut to the size she needed and glued the boxes as she desired.   Watch this video:


and check out this site.

If you are starting out making your first terrarium or teaching a child to make his/her first terrarium, you do not have to be that elaborate. Just look around your house for some clear glass or plastic object with a cover that is at least 4 inches taller than the plants you want to put in it.  Or you might want to build the terrarium on a plate with a clear glass dome- like cover.

I think Mason quart canning jars will look interesting, but you could use mayonnaise jars or spaghetti jars.  You can use unused aquariums or whatever you find in your house. Of course, you can rummage around in flea markets, garage sales or markets for interesting jars, too. Or shop for jars in fancy nurseries or online.  See here. This is your creation, so use whatever you think will make a fine container.  Then as you become more adept at making the terrariums, you can get more elaborate containers including terrarium Christmas ornaments.  See here.

To see a 53 year old terrarium that has been watered just once in all those years, read this English Daily Mail article.

In the next post, TheGardenLady will show you the steps to make your own terrarium.


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