Tree of Life Web Project

Tree of Life in Spring by h.koppdelaney

TheGardenLady is always searching for great  websites that have to do with plants, animals and insects. I just discovered a great website for people of all ages- children will love the photos and videos as will college students or just interested older folks, like me. This website is called the Tree of Life Web Project.

The homepage says that “The Tree of Life Web Project (ToL) is a collaborative effort of biologists and nature enthusiasts from around the world. On more than 10,000 World Wide Web pages, the project provides information about biodiversity, the characteristics of different groups of organisms, and their evolutionary history.”

Everyone interested can participate. This is a site for you who love nature, gardens, wildlife. You can just use the site for your own information or can become involved. This is also great for school teachers or home school teachers. It is your own library of biology and botany.

For some of the best photographs of insects I have ever seen, this site is fantastic. There are wonderful videos of various organisms. And there are sounds of some organisms. WOW   See here.

I do wish the Tree of Life Project had some common names next to the Latin names for more of us common folks. I realize that this is a world wide website so this might be difficult, but perhaps they could have a panel to click on which country one is from or wants information about and then have you hit a screen where American common names are used or a screen with Brazilian common names. But I guess I am quibbling. A site like this shows the best of what the computer is all about.

If readers of TheGardenLady have some favorite website related to horticulture, botany, biology that you want to recommend to readers, we would love to hear from you.

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