Where You Can See Snowdrops (Galanthus)

snowdrops, ghiocei - Galanthus by john stanbridge

TheGardenLady received this question from Charlotte.

Can you tell me where you can see snowdrops (galanthus) in the US – I cannot seem to find any listings except yours for Winterthur – if you can help, I’d be really grateful.

Check out the public Botanical gardens in your area to see if they have spring flowering bulb gardens and call them to see if they grow Galanthus-Snowdrops. Gardens that have spring show gardens should have Galanthus. Gardens such as the Denver Botanic Gardens (see here)  or the New York Botanical Garden may have them growing among their spring bulbs. Or contact the Missouri Botanical Gardens to see if they can recommend a garden with Galanthus. If you call any of the Botanical Gardens you should be able to ask for a list of the plants they exhibit.

Snowdrops in the perennial garden at the NY Botanical Garden - First spring flowers by annabelleny

Join the American Horticultural Society and contact them to take tours of gardens or learn of spring gardens you can visit to see Galanthus. Or contact the Horticultural Society in your area. The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, for example, gives great tours of gardens that you could take to see spring bulb gardens.  See here.

Join the Garden Conservancy and visit gardens during their open gardens days. Private gardens are often open to the public on these days. One of the gardens that often shows during open garden days is David Culp’s private garden. Culp, a famous breeder of Helleborus, loves Galanthus and has them growing in his delightful garden in Downingtown, Pennsylvania.

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