Wildflowers of Turkey

Hillside by the Stream, Ugurtasi Istavri Village Turkey by steelskyblue

TheGardenLady received this question from Janan.

I am planning a spring trip to Turkey to see wildflowers – especially bulbs. Do you know of any good books or other resources that are in English?

How I envy your traveling to Turkey to see the flowers. Turkey is one of the most interesting countries to visit.  Though I never spent time visiting gardens in Turkey, I found the most amazing variety of wild flowers- especially on the Eastern part of the country and around the area called Cappadocia.  “Turkey is home to 9000 species  of flowers, out of which 3,000 are native to its varied geographical landscape.” (see here)

There will be a flower show in Turkey from Nov. 28th and Dec. 1 in Istanbul.  (see here)

A good website on Wild Flowers of Turkey A-Z is this.

Two websites for anything about Turkey are this and this.

Watch this YouTube video on flowers of Antalya.

The books on flowers of Turkey that I have seen are very expensive. I would see if I could borrow them through Inter-library loan and then decide if you want to buy them for your personal library.

Check out “Flowers of Turkey. A photo guide” by Gerhard Pils

A book that might be helpful for your journey is ” Plant List for Olu Deniz, Turkey” by Lance Chilton, N. J. Turland

There is a series of at least 10 books on the Flora of Turkey that can be found on Amazon.com.  One is Flora of Turkey, Volume 1:Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol. 1 by P.H. Davis

Another example from the series is ” Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands” by Adil Guner, Neriman Ozhatay, Tuna Ekim, K.Husnu C. Baser and Ian Hedge

Good luck. And will you please share some of your photos of the plants you see with the readers of TheGardenLady.org

2 Replies to “Wildflowers of Turkey”

  1. I almost completed my first book about the bulbous plants of Turkey. I am still working at the print house and most probably will be published in 15 days. Keep track about the book which covers 553 species.

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